

October 22, 2020

BLOG 11 by Jason Plotner

So many monumental events with mortal and eternal implications happening right now in this APEX.  As stated prior in my work and on social media, I cannot do any more public predictions of any kind to include the U.S. Presidential Election 2020 which is happening in (2 weeks).As stated in my work I predicted the last 3 elections (2008, 2012, 2016) all publicly and all correctly.  But in this Final Apex people will choose the course.  As predicted even the GOP is being infiltrated by Progressives (and this was held back until very recently).  To avoid the Early Hastened Mashiach discussed in my work and on social media Humanity must Evolve to an aggregate level as set by God and God's word and Plan must not be altered.  Humanity is stagnant in its evolution from the Home Level ranging all the way up to the Global Level (Global Peace).  As far as God's word and plan there are Faith leaders 'playing God' and attempting to subtly in most cases override God's word an plan for their own plans.  In the midst of a Global Pandemic, a stagnancy in our Human Evolution, Faith leaders should have an elevated enough rationale to understand that their moves could lead to the Early Hastened Mashiach in 4-9 years from this time.  Political Leaders need to understand their role in elevating Humanity and staying away from trying to meddle with God's word and plan.  People must understand that those whose mission it is to help evolve humanity and help maintain God's word and plan can be targeted (the wicked and Evil will target anyone pursuing these aims for a positive ends).  It is critical that people navigate to my Panoply in this time 

A) The "Handbook of Life" B) "The Salt" (sequel to the "Handbook of Life").  The Wicked, Evil, and those leaders whether Politicians and or Faith leaders (who are only trying to please their audiences) can lead Humanity right into the Hastened Early Mashiach in 4-9 years.  An 'Offset' has been provided to help (This 'Panoply').