December 5, 2020
By Jason Plotner
BLOG 12: (12) {AUTHORITY AND PERFECTION} {DIVINE HEAVENLY RULE, GOD'S GOVERNING} {TWELVE TRIBES}{TWELVE STONES FOR ALTAR OF ELIJAH} {TWELVE LOAVES OF SHOW BREAD ON THE SHULCHAN (TABLE) IN THE BEIT HAMIKDASH (TEMPLE)} {TWELVE GATES} {TWELVE BLOGS} In a prior blog it is mentioned that an Abraham-Isaac like Test was placed upon me (12) months ago for Neshamah, and on 12/8/2014 it will be (6) years ago that God saved the Life of Neshamah by answering a Prayer (A Scene in the Biopic). My Birthday is in this 12th Month. There are both Christian and Jewish Holidays in this 12th Month. (12) is Divine indeed. God Bless