

November 17, 2019

By Jason Plotner

Channels of God: God was, God is, and God will be; After God delivered his 'Word and Plan' there have been many tests, trials, and attempts to usurp the true 'Channel of God' over time. Various 'Factions' have attempted to claim that their 'Channel' is the sole 'Channel of God'. These Factions each claim a 'Replacement Theology' (By Faith, and further by Sect) and within (internally) they tell their flocks that there are no other Channels that can lead them to 'Divine Rewards' and 'Salvation'. While in the present these Factions will go out and engage with other 'Religious Factions' (Interfaith Gatherings) and project outwardly that the other Factions outside their own have equal footing as their 'Channels'.   The 'Purest Channel' is the 'Original Channel' and from there all of the 'Religious Factions' have various 'Levels of Strength' to help guide their flocks to said 'Divine Rewards' and 'Salvation'. The things that these various Factions do can impact the flocks, Humanity, and the World, but they do not alter the 'Pure Channel of God'. Some examples of the things that various 'Religious Factions' have done to try and usurp power are 1) Claiming that their 'Channel' is the only path under God 2) Making 'Emendations' to the 'Primary Sources' and 'Primary Text' to 'Fit' their Channels Faith (and hoping no one will compare versus other Channels) 3) Making Predictions that do not occur and hoping that their flocks will forget 4) Claiming to be 'Prophetic' but not predicting anything to prove to be 'Prophetic' 5) Claiming that 'Updates to Faith' are coming from 'Divine Revelation' and then if not popular 'Rolling Back' said 'Updates' 6) Claiming that 'Updates' that were mandated by the Government were instead through 'Divine Revelation' 7) Instructing their Flocks to ignore 'Real History' in favor of what their Faction teaches as 'History' 8) Burying the sexual abuse of children within the Faction with lawyers, behind money, and behind Power, and claiming it's for the 'Good of the Faith'.