December 19, 2019
By Jason Plotner: I hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday Season with their loved ones. Remember that God values the 'Family' as most high. Anyone tampering with the 'Family' will answer to God.
Biblical Notes: (to remember and honor)
1) Have no other God's
2) Thou shall not bear 'false witness' versus thy neighbor (this is unfortunately a very common Sin in our World)
3) Thou shall not 'Covet' (coveting includes the actions associated with IE blocking those bearing messages)
4) Sins: Religious and Faith leaders that instruct that all Sins are covered, are NOT delivering the correct message to their flocks.
Sins that are 'Covered' are those that were not intentional, mistakes, also whereby people were led astray with poor guidance, poor direction (these are all Sins that will be Judged for 'Forgiveness', but it is NOT automatic).
Sins that are NOT covered: are repetitive, intentional, ongoing, agenda driven, with prior knowledge, sadistic (when Religious and Faith leaders tell their flocks that every Sin is covered, they are NOT guides of God).
The 'Religion Unit' of my Panoply will not be delivered for a time. The timing of the Delivery has changed.
God Bless