

November 11, 2019

By Jason Plotner

Well I had a roadblock within my 'Presidential History' unit, I believe that it was held up because of it's Political Nature, I know that when my first book "Handbook of Life" was released in (2014), I had a friend in the Military that was told that he couldn't support my work (my book) because it contained Politics. Well the 'Presidential History' unit is 'Full Throttle' Politics while "The Handbook of Life" just touched the surface, so it is clear to me that someone didn't want the book loaded. The 'Presidential History' unit covers the entire History of our Presidents actions, our Military actions, and it advocates for preserving a 'Conservative' world. With all of those elements there would be cause for it to be flagged. But the 'Great News' is that you can buy it directly from me. The entire purpose of my 'Panoply' is to 'Evolve Humanity' and 'Preserve the Word and Plan of God', and there are Factions out there who want to block this effort.  My Panoply which includes my first book "Handbook of Life" and my new book "The Salt" is geared to go along with my Biopic Film to help guide people to more life as we know it in the 'Mortal Realm' and then to also help guide people toward 'Salvation'. Do you have your ticket?