November 14, 2019
By Jason Plotner
The Timeline of the 'Panoply': Nearly 14 years ago I received my 'Grand Epiphany' to begin writing the first book of my 'Panoply' the "Handbook of Life", at that same time I received the emanation to go into Social Work. I immediately attempted to get into Social Work but nothing transpired. Six years later, I received an emanation to expand off of the Core Chapter unit that my initial 'Grand Epiphany' had emanated for me to write, and at that same time I secured my first position in Social Work, a position working with 'Troubled Youth'. After I finished the final 'Edits' on the "Handbook of Life" over Five years ago, I received an emanation that an 'Early Hastened Mashiach' would come in (10-15 years from 2014) if A) Humanity did not Evolve to an aggregate level as set by God & B) If God's true Word and Plan was Forsaken by Humanity. At that time I did not know what that message meant, but emanations led me to those answers thereafter. At my first book event in (2014) at a Barnes and Noble, there was a long line of people who came to see me and get autographed book copies. Some Quotes from that 1st Event: "We all think it's great that you actually do the things that you write about", "It would be foolish to not read this caliber of a book", "Thank you for taking the time to write your book and be here to see us all", and the last one was the most Profound "You have done a great thing and you are standing on the Shoulders of Giants, but now they will come for you" (an elder gentleman had waited to the very end of my Book Event to relay that to me and he was correct). Going backward to the point where I received the emanation to expand off of the Core unit, when I first revealed that I was going to write a book for Humanity, a Social Worker that was in my personal network at the time said "if you write this book what will we all do" (and she and others slowly began to take shots at me over time). The Progression of those shots and the scoffing accelerated after my book was released in (2014) and then after I predicted and supported the GOP for the (2016) Election, the Scoffing turned into a 'Tidal Wave' of scoffing and some 'in the face' public attacks. I am attacked by Liberals who said to me "Now we know what you really think of us", and by others to include the (vain, wicked, jealous, etc.) and those trying to protect their 'turf' and 'market share' versus my 'Panoply' which is the 'Real Deal'. Summary: so no one said a bad word about me until I announced that I was going to write a book, then after it was released the attacks accelerated, and finally when I predicted and supported the GOP for the (2016) Elections, the attacks went into their current overdrive, but when you're chosen by God to procure and deliver a Godsend 'Panoply' one delivers (which I have), as God makes no mistakes as to whom he chooses for Godsend Missions. In the present I am wrapping up the delivery of "The Salt" units and then I will turn to my 'Biopic Film', which is the final piece of the 'Panoply'. The people who have been trying to block me and stop me don't realize that when the 'correct person' is chosen by God to fulfill their mission the actions of mortals are not going to stop the effort (Fidelity). Those 'Truly of God' will receive their emanations to 'Lift the Platform' in order to enable the 'Fulfillment of the Mission'. God Bless